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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sakovich O.M. Legal Entities in New Legislation of Czech Republic

Abstract: The article is devoted to new civil legislation of Czech Republic. In this article the author examines the background of the civil law reform and the reasons, why legislators rejected the parallel regulation property relations by the civil code and the trade code. This refusal fixed the priority of the civil code in the private law of Czech Republic. The author analyses legislative approaches to regulation legal entities activity by new civil code and trade corporation act. This new civil laws reflects social and economic trends of the EC legislation. The author concentrates her attention on different types of legal entities. The matters of issue in this article are corporations, foundations, institutions, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, cooperatives and stock-companies. In the article is researched balance of the special and general order of creation and liquidation of legal entities, the structure of corporate government.


dualism, private law, reform, new legislation, civil code, trade code, trade corporation act, notion of legal entity, fond, cooperative, partnership.

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