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Conflict Studies / nota bene

Strionova I.V. Euromaidan:

Abstract: The transformation processes that are taking place in Ukraine cause disagreement and unrest among the global community. The problem of the Ukrainian political crisis is a hot topic of discussion today. The subject of this research is the phenomenon of Euromaidan in its essence. Polar views in scientific discourse concerning Ukrainian Maidan in 2013–2014-s often result in heated debates. On the one hand, Euromaidan is described as a "Revolution of Dignity" that won due to the efforts of the masses in the struggle against the dictatorial regime of V. F. Yanukovich; on the other hand – as a political coup. The purpose of this work is to determine what political changes occurred in Ukraine in November-February in 2013–2014.The methodological basis of this study comprises the analytical, dialectical, logical, system, structural-functional, comparative approaches to the problem. After studying the key moments of Euromaidan the author analyzes and interprets the revolutionary events in Ukraine. The study concluded that Euromaidan is essentially a well-organized "revolutionary" coup d'etat that took place with the active participation of the masses, which in fact have been used as an instrument to overthrow the legitimate political power.


democracy, political power, opposition, revolution, dignity, Euromaidan, manipulative technologies, political changes, Ukraine

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