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Conflict Studies / nota bene
Karyakin V.V. (2015). The tough fate of Russian reforms. Conflict Studies / nota bene, 2, 154–163.
Karyakin V.V. The tough fate of Russian reformsAbstract: On the basis of the retrospective historical analysis of the previous cycles of modernization in Russia, the author attempts to find the leverage spots for overcoming the barriers which stand in the way of Russia's development in critical periods of history. Judging by the analysis of Russian modernization cycles, our country as a major power has been objectively compelled to accept globalization's challenges, but each time, was subjectively not ready for it. The periods of open-door politics cycled with long periods of self-isolation, which involved reappraisal of values and the search for Russia's own ways of development. All of this led to instability, which threatens catastrophic domestic scenarios. The methodological basis of this research includes the systemic, structural-functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation. Nowadays Russia is facing the next stage of reforms along with aggravation of the international situation. At the same time the scale of problems that Russia is facing considerably surpasses its available economic, personnel and demographic resources. It is obvious that Russia must abandon inertial approach to interstate and domestic problems, passive defense that often conceals passivity with the imitation of work of the government, and cautious wait-and-see behavior that leads to delayed reaction to events, instead of their causes. The article offers a problem-solving toolkit and possible scenarios of international development in the context of security of the Russian Federation. Keywords: interests, democracy, state, political perception, Russia, political values, society, politics, discourse, security
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