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Administrative and municipal law

Vinogradova P.A. Legislative requirements to the procedure of election of heads of regions and municipalities of the Russian Federation by legislative (representative) authorities

Abstract: The legal status of officials is a basic institution of constitutional law; it requires a complex analysis within the measures taken to improve public administration and local self-government. The purpose of the work is the description of a new model of legislative procedure of election of higher officials of regional and municipal levels. The procedure of elections is the subject of the research. Consideration of these questions in the context of law-enforcement practice is the main objective of the study. This predetermines the relevance of this work for practitioners. The intensive dynamics of improvement of federal legislation in this sphere determines the relevance of the order of election of higher officials of regional and municipal levels. The conclusions of the article allow the use of new legislative provisions in accordance with constitutional principles.


political party, procedure of election, elections, local self-governement, official, head of municipality, governor, regional filter, competition commission, unity of public authority

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