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Administrative and municipal law

Kozhevnikov O.A. Disputable issues of enforcement of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The article considers the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation in their “interpretation” which has formed in the law-enforcement practice. The author attempts to emphasize the necessity to develop the “updated” explanations by the Supreme Court of the provisions of the existing Code of Administrative Offences, since the positions of the Constitutional Court, expressed in its decisions, are not always considered properly by the law-enforcement bodies and executives; it results in the violation of the principle of legality in administrative proceedings. The main research method is comparative analysis which compares the existing law-enforcement practice with the corresponding explanation of the provisions of the Code expressed in the decisions of judicial bodies. The author comes to the conclusion about the “faulty” enforcement practice of certain provisions of the Code by the bodies and the executives, thus substantiating the inclusion of the “renewed” Supreme Court in the explanatory work together with the Constitutional Court. 


consideration of a case, The constitutional court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme court of the Russian Federation, antimonopoly legislation, Executive authorities, administrative proceedings, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, administrative offence, institution of rejection, principle of legality

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