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Administrative and municipal law

Irkhin I.V. On the issue of two-level model of local government organization in city districts

Abstract: The paper analyzes the legislative changes aimed at the creation of a two-level model of local government organization in city districts. The author outlines the possible problems of solution of local problems in the process of creation of city districts with itracity division and intracity areas. The author points out the necessity of specification of the criteria for division of city districts with intracity division into intracity areas, and of regulation of the order of intracity areas interaction with each other and with a city district.  The author argues that it is unnecessary to allot the status of intracity area to any attachable settlement. The use of the inductive, analytical and comparative methods allowed formulating the position according to the possible perspectives of practical inclusion of city districts with intracity division and of intracity areas into the format of local government of the Russian Federation. On the base of the dialectical method the paper reveals the contradictions and inconsistences of legislative approaches to the creation of a systematized and structured base of executive bodies of local government on the level of city districts with intracity division and intracity areas. The novelty of the research lies in the study of issues of correlation between theoretical-legal and practical use of city districts with intracity division and intracity areas, and enumeration of facts reflecting the unity and continuity of city economy. The author formulates the conclusions about the necessity to specify the interaction between local governments of a city district with intracity division and intracity areas (vertically), and of intracity areas between each other (horizontally). 


transformation, city economy, head of local administration, representative body, local administration, region, intracity area, city district, settlement, federal law

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