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Administrative and municipal law

Karpov V.A. On some patterns of the system of rights and freedoms of man and citizen formation in the Russian Federation in the context of legal statehood development

Abstract: The article focuses on rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation which are considered from the standpoint of the general systems theory as an integral interrelated system; the author reveals the internal patterns of its development, the key hierarchical sub-system levels, and some mechanisms of the system links. On the base of the analysis the article considers the historical mutability of the scientific and practical understanding of the system of rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The author analyzes the perspectives of enhancement of constitutional legalization of the system of rights of man and citizen in the Russian Federation in the context of the Russian legal statehood development. The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical method of reality cognition, and the set of the general scientific methods (the logical method, an abstract to concrete shift in thinking, etc.) and the special scientific methods of cognition (comparative jurisprudence, the systems and structural analysis, interpretation of law, etc.). The scientific novelty of the research lies in the substantiation of untimeliness of the Constitution enhancement from the standpoint of the constitutional legalization of the system of rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia. The author also assesses the perspectives of enhancement of constitutional legalization of this system of rights in the context of development of the Russian legal statehood. 


rights and freedoms, man, citizen, system of rights, main sub-systems of rights, system links, legal statehood, enhancement of the Constitution, hierarchy, limitation principle

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