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International relations
Selezneva A.V. (2015). Value determinants of Russia's image in the minds of Russians. International relations, 3, 341–347.
Selezneva A.V. Value determinants of Russia's image in the minds of RussiansAbstract: The article aims to determine the influence of political values on the perception of Russia by its citizens.The formation of the country's image in the minds of people is affected by many factors: political, cultural, economic, socio-demographic, psychological. Among the latter the most important are the political values as the most stable components of personality.The article presents the political-psychological approach to the study of political values and the resulting perception peculiarities of the country by citizens. In the theoretical and methodological section of the article the nature and characteristics of political values are defined in the context of the analysis of the political perception process, and methodological foundations of their study and interpretation are also referred.The article also presents the results of empirical studies of political values which determine the influence of values on the country perception. The author concludes that the most important values for citizens are the materialistic values or values of the safety. Russians's orientation to peace, order, law, safety, human rights is a response to the socio-economic and political conditions of life in which people do not feel confident about the future. These values determine the inconsistency of the image of Russia, in which the positive characteristics of the country (territory, history) are combined with the negative representations about the state (politics and government). Keywords: materialism, political perception, image of Russia, political values, society, policy, postmaterializm, safety, political psychology, creativity
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