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International relations

Fel'dman P.Ya. International lobbyism in the conditions of global destabilization

Abstract: The article deals with lobbying activities of Russian and foreign interest groups at the international level in the conditions of global destabilization. The author studies the peculiarities of influence of economic actors (companies, corporations, financial institutions), which interests are connected with the settlement / escalation of the conflict between Russia and the Western world, on the public authorities in the United States and the European Union. In particular, the author analyzes the examples of successful and unsuccessful lobbying campaigns aimed at overcoming of confrontation and cancellation of sanctions. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-political and cultural and civilizational approaches, the methods of analysis,  synthesis,  induction, deduction, modeling and observation.The author concludes that the so-called "interest groups of peace" and "interest groups of war" have the direct impact on the international relations. The first ones are interested in cancellation of the restrictions for international business, but the second ones, on the contrary, associate their economic interests with the further escalation of the confrontation. The author concludes that the key factor for the resolution of the conflict is the improvement of lobbying activities of the "interest groups of peace" in the American and the European governments.


interests, sanctions, international relations, foreign policy, interest groups, international lobbying, government relations, destabilization, values, security

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