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International relations

Kobzar'-Frolova M.N. Legal construction of regulation of relations within the EAEU

Abstract: The article studies the construction of regulation of relations within the Eurasian Economic Union. The author reveals the etymological and conceptual content of the construction; defines the notion of the construction as a standard model reflecting the legal condition of the structurally organized phenomenon of legal life; analyzes the provisions of the Treaty of the EAEU. The author concludes that the existing construction of the Treaty of the EAEU contains seven elements: the law of the Union; the system of the principles of the Union; legal relations within the EAEU; the system of the EAEU bodies as the managing parts; the mechanism of arguments resolution; customs union and customs regulation; common economic space. The author describes the essence of each element of the construction of the Treaty of the EAEU. Special attention is paid to the study of the law of the Union, the system of bodies and customs regulation. The methodology of the research is based on the dialectical method helping to reveal the peculiarities, the essence and the internal links, to form the author’s view and comprehension of the construction of regulation of the relations within the EAEU. The author also uses the general scientific and the special scientific methods of cognition. The exposition of the article and the conclusions are based on the logical, analytical and comparative-legal methods. The novelty of the research lies in the statement that with the formation of a new international integration association – the Eurasian Economic Union – appears the need to study the construction of regulation of relations within this association, its elements, internal links, etc. On the base of the analysis of the Treaty of the EAEU the author concludes that the construction of regulation of relations within the Union has a socio-political, financial, economical, and ideological meaning, and this fact determines its close interrelation with the principles of legal regulation of external economic relations. The author also concludes that the construction of regulation of relations within the Union has a financial-legal character. 


the customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, integration association, relationships, customs regulations, international Treaty, construction, the law of the Union, economic space, Eurasian economic Commission

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