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International relations
Kashulin D.A. (2015). The recent oil crisis: the main conflicts and the perspectives of their resolution. International relations, 3, 307–312.
Kashulin D.A. The recent oil crisis: the main conflicts and the perspectives of their resolutionAbstract: The subject of the research is the dumping potential of oil prices in the global political process. Oil as a strategic product has been frequently used as a political weapon and the instrument of pressure in the international relations. The political factor of energy crises has been changing depending on the current condition of the world policy. In this situation the manipulation of oil prices is a rather effective way of achievement of the necessary geopolitical aims. The methodology of the research is based on the systems method, the historical, sociological and comparative methods, the method of situation analysis, and the general scientific methods of generalization, induction and deduction. The author concludes that geopolitical interests of the main participants of the oil prices conflict of 2014 predetermine the political agreements between the leaders of oil production aimed at the destabilization of oil market. The aspiration of Europe for the decrease of its dependence on Russian energy resources and the desire of the USA for the preservation of its world leadership led to a double damage for Russian oil-producing industry and economy. The current crisis will transform the obsolete political system, and will lead to serious changes in the world order, new agreements and a new balance of power on the international scene. Sanctions against Russia may be long-term, but the country has all the chances to overcome the consequences of the crisis with the support of the government policy adequate to the challenges. Keywords: changes in the world order, policy of import substitution, anti-Russian sanctions, cooperation, geopolitics, dumping of oil prices, oil crisis, foreign policy, international relations, collective security system
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