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International relations

Vinogradova E.A. The linguistic factor of the image of the ALBA leaders

Abstract: For several centuries the countries of Latin America have been led by charismatic leaders able to relatively easily influence on the audience not only in their countries but also in other states, using the linguistic and political manipulations. In the early 21st century within the policy of strategic communication the leaders of the ALBA countries use a range of similar methods when influencing the international audience for the conduction of an independent internal or foreign policy based on the principles of a new multipolar world formation, substituting the age of a monopolar world. Today, owing to the development of such a branch of political science as imageology, oratory with its speech manipulations is also an important criterion for a political leader who wants to be a successful politician from the viewpoints of audience in his country and abroad. 


international relations, foreign policy, ALBA, linguistic imageology, political manipulation, diplomacy, state, interests, audience, security

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