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International relations
Tyukarkina O.M. (2015). Public image strategy of Great Britain: the analysis of strategies of the country’s public image optimization. International relations, 3, 273–282.
Tyukarkina O.M. Public image strategy of Great Britain: the analysis of strategies of the country’s public image optimizationAbstract: The article analyzes the key image campaigns realized by Great Britain for the last 15 years with the aim to optimize the existing public image of the country as a “conservative and stiff” state and to increase the competitiveness of the country in the economic, cultural and political sense. In his famous work “The English People” George Orwell wrote that in the world of politics and force in the conditions of a permanent struggle for domination between the world powers (i.e. block confrontation between the USA and the USSR) England would have no resources for leadership. Therefore, the country’s role would come to the position of a satellite of one of the world super-powers. In this status Great Britain wouldn’t be able to influence the world developments. After the Second World War the role of Great Britain changed: the country became a secondary actor letting the USA become the global center. Even after the dissolution of the bipolar system in the late 20th century it is hard to call Britain a center of the world policy, let alone a hegemon. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, Great Britain, public image of the country, Cool Britannia, image narratives, reputation assets, nation, values, security
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