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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mishurova E.Yu. Position of a Substitute Parent

Abstract: The author's attention is paid to the phenomenon of substitute parenting that requires serious scientific research. The researcher proposes to consider the position of substitute parents as a systematically important element in the structure of the substitute parenting. The author determines this position as a system of attitudes of an adoptive parent to various aspects of substitute parenting. The author demonstrates the diversity of interpretations of the term "position" in the domestic and foreign science. The subject of the research is the position of substitute parents, in particular its motivational component and problems in foster care that may cause the risk of returning a child to the orphanage. The research is based on the subjective and existential approaches to studying human as an active and capable of self-development actor of life activity. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher studies the position of adoptive parents as the basis for interaction with the child adopted by the foster family. The article presents the results of the empirical research of the motivational component of the position of substitute parents. These results allow to look at the meaning-making processes of substitute parenting. The research aimed at improving the efficiency of substitute parenting, providing practical support to foster families, prevention of failures of adoptive parents to fulfill contractual obligations to foster care.


motive, the level of personal organization, family values, attitude, position, orphans, substitute parenthood, substitute parenting, abandonment of a child, construct, the efficiency of interaction

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