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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Mustafaeva E.M., Ryumshina L.I. Manipulative Style of Management and Satisfaction with the Psychological Climate in a Group of Subordinates

Abstract: The subject under research is the manipulative tendencies of managers, their management style, means of influence on subordinates and the level of satisfaction of the latter with the psychological cilmate in a group. Special attention is paid to the relation between manipulative tendencies of managers and their management style as well as partricular displays of the manipulative management style and means of influence on subordinates that are usually used by the managers with the manipulative tendencies. The empirical object of the research was the groups of industrial workers. In total, 155 respondents were involved in the research, 20 managers and 135 subordinates. The researchers used the questionnare suvey, comparative analysis and statistical data processing. To define the manipulative tendencies of managers, the researchers used the MAC-4 Inventory (adapted by V. Znakova). To analyze the psychological cilmate, the researchers applied the Social and Psychological Cilmate Inventory offered by A. Lutoshkina. The management style was defined with the help of the inventories developed by L. Ryumshina, the Management Style Inventory and Means of Manipulation Inventory.  The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researchers analyze the manipulative management style and means of manipulation used by managers in the process of managing their subordinates. The researchers show the dependence of the management style on whether a manager has manipulative tendencies or not. The researchers also describe general means of manipulation and influence on subordinates that are typical for managers disregarding their management style as well as specific means of manipulation used by managers with the manipulative management style. The researchers also examine the level of satisfaction with the psychological climate in groups of industrial workers managed by managers with different management styles.   


dialogic style of management, the authoritarian style of management, management style, the manipulation of subordinates, manipulative tendencies, interpersonal manipulation, manipulation, manipulative style of management, means of manipulation, psychological climate

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