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Taxes and Taxation

Zutikov I.A. Functions of Credit Organizations in Tax Law

Abstract: In his article Zutikov discusses the most important functions of credit organizations in the taxation process. In particular, special attention is paid to the definitions of credit organizations and banks from the point of view of legal technicality in the lawmaking process. The author of the present article fully describes functions of credit organizations in the taxation process and views their activity as well as the problems that may arise in their communication with the regulatory authorities. In his article the author also points out that the tax liability of a credit organization has a rather unclear definition which creates the need for a better legal regulation thereof. The main research methods used by the author of the article include the technical legalistic method, comparative law method and the method of interpretation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides a more miscellaneous definition of a credit organization and its role in the tax law and taxation process. The author suggests to formalise the definition of the legal capacity and competence of legal entities including credit organizations. The author also points out that the tax liability of a credit organization has a rather unclear definition which creates the need for a better legal regulation thereof.


tax, law, function, credit organization, taxation process, taxation law, rulemaking, process, procedure, responsibility

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