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Philosophy and Culture
Omarova L.B. (2015). Information Factor in Constructing the Space of Human Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 883–888.
Omarova L.B. Information Factor in Constructing the Space of Human FreedomAbstract: The subject of the present research is the problem of freedom in the information society. The space of freedom that is being formed under the conditions of global information constructs has a number of peculiar features that change the traditional philosophical concept of freedom. In her article Omarova analyzes the problems of existential and social freedom in the network society. According to the author, the concept of freedom is dehumanized and replaced with the terms 'efficiency' and performance results in the network (information) society. The key problem of the modern society is the globalization of information systems and associated fragmentation of human mind taking human away from real freedom. The present article provides the analysis of information society and the problem of the narrowing space of freedom from the point of view of philosophy. The target of the article is to analyze existential and social 'shifts' in the space of freedom of a modern human. The author of the present article makes an attempt to show the relation between the objective and subjective in the problem of human freedom unde the conditions of information society. The information (network) structure of a new civiliztion narows the subjective space of freedom up to the 'escape from the reality' as a result of digital technologies constraining intellectual and emotional dominants of human activity. Keywords: globalization, technosphere, virtual world, freedom, network, society, information, computerisation, sociality, value
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