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Philosophy and Culture
Korneeva T.G. (2015). Nasir Khusraw: Biography and Creative Work of the Ismaili Philosopher. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 830–842.
Korneeva T.G. Nasir Khusraw: Biography and Creative Work of the Ismaili PhilosopherAbstract: The article is devoted to the life and creative work of a Persian Ismaili philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1088). Nasir Khusraw was the author of the selection of poems excessing thousands of lines and the book about travels 'Safarnama'. Nasir Khusraw made a great contribution to the development of Persian literature and influenced the development of the poetic language. The author of the present article analyzes Nasir Khusraw's creative work and shows that the original nature of the poet's poetic heritage was determined by the missionary tasks the poet and the follower of Ismailism faced. Special attention is paid to the philosophical writings of the Persian philosopher that gave the insight into the philosopher's ideology and views on Ismaili teachings. The present article is based on the analysis of scientific researches of Nasir Khusraw's poetry, philosophical views and works on the history of Ismailism. The author of the article also makes an attempt to summarize available data about Nasir Khusraw as well as to show the mutual dependence of his life and creative work. Nasir Khusraw's life path defined the direction and special features of his creativity. Propagation tasks determined not only the themes but also the images of his poems as well as the fact that the philosopher chose to write his philosophical works in Persian. Researchers mostly focus on Nasir Khusraw's poetry while there have been no researches of his philosophical works in the Russian academic literature over the past decades. In the present article the author tries to analyze and evaluate Nasir Khusraw's heritage and to define possible directions for further researches of his creative work. Keywords: Nasir Khusraw, Ismailism, Arabic philosophy, Safarnama, didactic religious poem, didactic predicatory qasida, Universal Mind, Universal Spirit, the hidden and the obvious, Ismaili propagation
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