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National Security

Metel'kov A.N., Khodyrev T.B. Some questions of joint activity of the federal branches of executive government authorities and airport administration on ensuring aviation safety

Abstract: The subject of this research is substantiation of the need to research legal and organizational basis for joint actions of law enforcement agencies, as well as territorial branches of federal executive authority in the area of internal affairs, including police, and administration of Russian airports on ensuring safety in the area of civil aviation. The authors emphasize the need for harmonization of relations between various subjects of aviation safety, development of corresponding normative legal base, and creation of organizational environment that would help perfecting the government system of terrorism counteraction, and protection of life and health of the people using air travel. A generalizing conclusion is made that in the Russian Federation there is currently no complete and precise organizational-legal foundation for prevention and response to acts of illegal interference, including terrorist acts.


Terrorism, Acts of illegal interference, Cooperation, Safety, Police, Aviation security, Legislation, Security service, Civil aviation, International law

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