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National Security

Kuznetsov D.V., Mekhdiev Sh.Z. Lease financing in ensuring economic security of businesses

Abstract: This article demonstrates the role and the place of lease financing in providing economic security of business. The author gives characteristics to the economic security and determines the criteria for ensuring economic security in structuring an effective system of lease financing. Economic security of the subjects of lease financing is directly tied to four key concepts: “interests”, “independence”, “competitiveness”, and “stability”. The theoretical significance of this work is defined by the research of the effect of the sources of financing, terms of the lease agreement, and financial state of the subjects of a lease upon ensuring effectiveness of economic security of the subjects of lease financing. The significance of the research is substantiated by the overall aim of the conceptual and methodological developments, methodological recommendations for structuring and advancing an efficient system of lease financing for the customers of leasing market. Ensuring economic security of lease financing suggests account of the influence of sources of lease financing upon the financial state of lease subjects.


Lease financing, Economic security, Business safety, Economy, Security, Lease, Effective system, Criteria for economic safety, Terms of a lease agreement, Lease subjects

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