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National Security
Giniyatullina E.Z. (2015). Crime among students as a threat to criminal safety of the system of general professional education: current state and future trends. National Security, 3, 407–416.
Giniyatullina E.Z. Crime among students as a threat to criminal safety of the system of general professional education: current state and future trendsAbstract: The subject of this research is the current state of criminality among individuals studying in college, which represents a significant threat to the criminal safety of the nation. The author talks about the term “student who committed a crime”, types of crime among students, and conducts analysis on repeat and group crimes of these individuals. The article also presents the trend of separate types of crimes committed by young people, including those who currently study, or with their participation (thefts, robbery, assault, murder, rape, drugs or psychotropic crimes, and other types of crime). The scientific conclusions presented in this article are based not only on the official statistical data, but also sociological polling conducted on the territory of Irkutsk Oblast among 310 students, 150 law enforcement agents, as well as expert opinions of 150 heads of educational facilities of Irkutsk Oblast. Based on the analysis of the official statistical data, the author also states that every twentieth crime is committed by a school or college student. Keywords: Juvenile offence, Criminal safety, Education system, Criminal threat, Student criminality, Higher education, Faculty member crimes, Crime prevention, Trends, Preventative measures
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