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National Security

Malyutina E.V. Japan’s policy on providing national security during the second term of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe

Abstract: The object of this research is the course of Japan’s foreign policy during the second term of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (2012-2015). The subject of this research is the strategy for ensuring national security of Japan as a complex of measures on increasing the defense capabilities and security of Japan. A special attention is paid to the role of such program documents as “Main vectors of national defense”, “Medium term program of development of defense potential”, and “Security strategy”. Under the conditions of a highly volatile potential region of Northeast Asia, any changes to the positioning of the forces can result in serious systemic changes. The main conclusion of the research is that based on the results of the measures being undertaken by the Japanese government, there will be new accents made in the security architecture of the Northeastern Asia region.


Asia-Pacific region, Northeast Asia, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, USA, Japan, political science, national security strategy, defence policy

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