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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Suetin T.A.
Under the Influence of Thanatos
// Psychology and Psychotechnics.
2015. ¹ 5.
P. 523-534.
Suetin T.A. Under the Influence of ThanatosAbstract: The article is devoted to the problem of death drive as a natural constituent element of existence and its defining role for human and society as well as such the exaggerated neurotic death drive as the appetence to early death. In his research Suetin describes possible causes of such behavior based on the analysis of a particular case of autodestruction. The researcher also analyzes the tendencies of mass death drive in the modern society and prerequisites for the scientific and technical development and its influence on human and his future. Death drive is studied by the author in terms of classical psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud's theory of instinctual drive and death and death instinct are analyzed from the point of view of philosophical anthropology, postmodernism and cultural studies. The author states that death drive is fundamental to life instinct which energy is presented as having active and passive forms. Life instinct is a natural movement of motivated energy and death instinct is an inert but inavoidable energy. The author also demonstrates how these drives reverse as a result of traumatic events experiened by human and deformation of development trends in the society. Keywords: the fear of death, society, unconscious, instinct, autodestruction, aggression, instinctual drive, Death, Life, clinical history
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