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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Andreev I.L., Nazarova L.N. The Sound Effects on the Human Mind: the Phenomenon of 'Audio Drugs'

Abstract: The subject of the present research is the technologically and psychologically elaborate and powerful targeted influence of specially designed and focused sound on the brain and the mind of young listeners whose skulls and ears have not completed their formation and who have not developed an adequate idea about the world and about their place in it. The authors of the article demonstrate that being a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon of the digital age as well as a specific form of targeted psychological influence on the brain, mind and mental health of human, audio drugs require interdisciplinary research, in particular, from the point of view of the history of philosophical anthropology and adolescent psychiatry. Although the problem has been of current interest for less than 10 years, it is a very important issue not only due to its ultra-modern novelty and unusual attractiveness but also because of the hidden threat of a real surge of mental and suicidal effects in case of invisible virtual and non-chemical drugs overdose as well as the opportunity to use audio drugs illegally for political and advertising purposes. The authors of the article demonstrate that being a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon of the digital age as well as a specific form of targeted psychological influence on the brain, mind and mental health of human, audio drugs require interdisciplinary research, in particular, from the point of view of the history of philosophical anthropology and adolescent psychiatry.


mirror neurons, audioneurons, quasi culture, binaural effect, adolescents, audio stimulants, mind, audio drugs, brain, psyche

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