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Culture and Art

Burgete M.R. Poetry in Search for Truth

Abstract: Based on the example of parallels between philosophical reflections in Maximilian Voloshin's poetry and world views of peoples speaking Nahua (Aztecs), the author of the article demonstrates the similarity and assonance of images and meanings that were created as a result of mythopoetic world perception, the learning style used by human along with the rational cognition. The analysis performed by the author demonstrates that there is neither a direct approach nor a possibility for adoption, following or imitation. At the same time, images and meanings that were created in cultures that had no actual points of coincidence in time or space happen to have very close contents and meanings. A number of general provisions is made by the author based on the comparative analysis of a number of sources, poetic texts and particular aspects of the world view. The examples provided prove that mythopoetics is still a cognitive structure, mostly due to its philosophical content. Mythopoetics is a form of existence and production of knowledge in poetic art forms which considerably contributes to the cross-cultural communication when understanding is the mean and the final goal of communication. 


American Conquest, Maximilian Voloshin, Aztec philosophy, parallel meanings, understanding, cross-cultural communication, cultural dialogue, Mexican culture, Diego Rivera, Silver Age

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