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Taxes and Taxation
Gudkova D.D., Ermoshina T.V. (2015). Problems and prospects of ecologization of Russian legislature in the sphere of taxation . Taxes and Taxation, 5, 377–383.
Gudkova D.D., Ermoshina T.V. Problems and prospects of ecologization of Russian legislature in the sphere of taxationAbstract: The actually of the ecological problem is currently obvious. Today, governments of many countries orient on a new way of development of the economic system, trying to reduce the negative impact on the environment, colossal expenditures of natural resources and increase of social differences. The current aggravation of the ecological situation demands creation of new stimuli, strengthening of the infrastructure of the market and market mechanisms, promotion of a more rational expenditure of natural resources and more economical using of them. Thus, the subject analyzed in this article is ecological taxes as an instrument of the government’s tax policy. The authors stress the necessity of a revision of Russia’s legislation in the sphere of taxation in order to make it more ecology-oriented. They analyze the experience of several countries in using “green” taxes, compare the situation in the sphere of ecological taxation in Russia and several other countries, and substantiate the necessity of using ecological taxes in the Russian economy. In connection with this, the authors use such general and specific methods of analyzing economic phenomena as the inductive-deductive method, analysis, synthesis, the method of dialectical cognition, the method of comparison, analogy, generalization and modeling. Basing of the results of their analysis, the authors suggest a number of measures, which, in their opinion, can improve the current situation – an adoption of a separate legislation act, aimed at securing the main principles of regulating the environment protection with the help of economic instruments; a legal fixation of mechanisms of regulating relations in the sphere of environment protection; using of reduced tariffs for “ecologically safe” producers, production, raw materials, etc., abolition of subsidies for “ecologically unsafe” regions of the country; introducing increased tariffs for producers who pollute the environment; optimization of the transport tax. Keywords: tax on natural resources production, water tax, transport tax, ecological problem, "green" taxes, ecological tax, tax legislature, fee for pollution, ecologization of tax legislation, environment
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