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Philosophy and Culture
Kuz'min A.V. (2015). Early 'Discoveries' and 'Models' of Cosmos. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 647–657.
Kuz'min A.V. Early 'Discoveries' and 'Models' of CosmosAbstract: The article is devoted to the research of the ontological possibility of early models of Cosmos. Special attention is paid to the very first model that was created at the epoch 'when the myth reigned' as well as the beginnings of the zodiacal model. In addition, the researcher analyzes the relationship between'new' and 'old' models of Cosmos and whether the initial model (neither 'new' nor 'old' but 'zero' or 'having no precedents' model). In his article Kuzmin also analyzes the definition of metacosmography and ontological possibility of the constellation map at different epochs. In his research Kuzmin has used the comparative analysis of archeological and historical sources that relate to the studied period as well as the comparative analysis of previous both Russian and foreign researches. The researcher attempts to reconstruct early (preliterate) models of Cosmos based on the author's interpretation of published archeological records and critical analysis of prior Russian and foreign researches. Based on the results of the analysis carried out, the researcher offers a new ontological model lof the initial (i.e. 'having no precedents') cosmological model and the first solar-horizon (protozodiacal) model. The main conclusion of the research is that there were self-sufficient semiotic systems of mythologems and signs in the Mesolithic and proto-Neolithic culture and those systems were used to describe the main regularly repeating sequences of celestial events. The latter created the basis not only for early calendars but also for cosmological models. Keywords: ontology, world (universe) model, lunar model, Cosmos, solar model, zodiacal model, myth, world order, cosmology, constellation
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