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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Alkon E.M. Audiation skills’ development through pop-music

Abstract: The focus of the paper is one of the skills that are critical for the development of musical abilities, i.e. audiation ability. The method of development of this ability is presented in the paper, and this method exists and is being used in full accordance with actual education paradigm as well as with technical resources that are available for education, in this case, with the Internet. The author puts forward the algorithm of self-preparation of students based on writing down of a song on music paper and further choice of accompaniment for it as well as teacher’s check of a student’s work. The object of students’ self-preparation is Russian and foreign pop-music in its best examples that are mostly familiar to students. Analytical skills and also professionalism and compositional abilities are increased due to putting down the tunes from memory on music paper. The author suggests the list of 50 songs that can be used for the above mentioned exercises. The list is divided into sub-sections according to the level of complexity and other details characteristic for melody lines and its rhythmical features. The number of examples is limited due to the paper’s limitations and can be further enhanced and increased. Methodology of research described in the paper is based on Boris Teplov’s findings and also on the theory of “tonality-acoustic field” and “tonal archetypes” that has been presented in the author’s previous research. The paper has also educational impact as it contains original lyrics and special games in addition to the selection of songs. At present traditional educational materials lack examples from pop-music, and the paper suggests new approach to the choice of educational materials being more effective because of more familiarity and attractiveness for music students and also having more influence on the development of the students’ audiation abilities due to its practicality.


solfegio, contemporary music education, musical abilities’ development, audiation ability, developing audiational abilities, students’ self-training, musical self-dictation, tests, pop-music, soundtracks from films

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