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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Khokhlova A.L. The Conceptual Sphere of the Musical Art

Abstract: The subject of this study is the musical conceptual sphere as a kind of semantic «field» of culture, considered on the cognitive basis of the interaction of musical universals, basic cultural concepts and fundamental stereotypes of consciousness. These universals, concepts and stereotypes contain semantic «clusters» which the subject of cognition operates in the process of musical thinking. In these clusters the contents of experience and knowledge are displayed – the results of the artistic assimilation of the world in the form of quanta of knowledge that allow the reconstruction of a certain model of the world in a piece of music. The cognitive approach becomes the methodological basis that allows us to consider the interpretation in the musical art as a phenomenon associated with the processes of musical thinking, consciousness, memory and cognitive activity in general.The scholarly innovation of this work is defined by the contribution of the author to the deployment of new technologies of artistic analytics.The cognitive approach opens broad research perspectives related to the ascent of music theory to a new scientific level, one involving the entire surrounding world. In this context, the interpretation of the musical whole should be thought of as the possibility of art being in the ensemble of the interaction of musical thinking, musical language and musical consciousness.


form, genre, style, concept sphere, musical art, cognitive approach, modern cognitive paradigm, composition, interpretation, consciousness

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