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Scientific notes of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

Veksler Yu.S. Music as a message and music as an autobiography: on the topicality of «old» musical hermeneutics

Abstract: The evolution of the «old» hermeneutics’ method in contemporary musicological discourse is the focus of the paper. One finds the basic points of the XXth century hermeneutical concepts revisited, such as H. Kretzschmar, P. Bekker and A. Schering. The paper’s author argues that it’s possible to construct a special scholarly niche in our time for the «old» hermeneutics when its «biographical» methods seem to be out of date. There is an alternative to «old» hermeneutics in the paper presented by esthetical views and methodology of C. Floros. Those may be found in his concept of new semantical analysis and ideas of «music as a message» and «music as an autobiography» as practiced in his research on G. Mahler and A. Berg. The author of the paper also takes into account hermeneutical discourse in Russian musicology that is so popular in various works of 1990–2000 on D. Shostakovich’s music, where Shostakovich-otherwise thinker, Shostakovich-dissident and Shostakovich-the author of enciphered messages is considered. The paper’s method is based on hermeneutical approach to music research where music is being interpreted with the help of words and biographical documents in their interference with musical semiotics, intertextuality, textual criticism and source studies. The novelty of the paper is referred to: the renovation of «old» hermeneutics through various other methods and approaches to music research; C. Floros works’ uniqueness as opposed to structural analysis due to «secret programming» found in so many musical opuses of the XIXth and XXth centuries and ideological discussions on D. Shostakovich’s music in post-soviet era; problems and intellectual knots of hermeneutical analysis; special importance of biographical documents for the interpretation of music; the role of creative process in musical analysis, connections between motives and tunes, verbalization of hidden meaning.


hermeneutics, semiotics, intertextuality, hidden programme, musical analysis, H. Kretzschmar, P. Bekker, A. Schering, C. Floros, D. Shostakovich

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