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Urban Geography and the Real Estate Market

Dolgikh E.I., Antonov E.V. Steady development rating for Russian cities

Abstract: This article focuses attention on the steady development rating for Russian cities. This rating is based on international experience and leans on steady territory development principles, which are established by international organizations and academic societies. To form the rating, the author uses integral indicators like the steady city development index. This index is calculated on the basis of 30 statistical indicators that characterize steady city development by three main sections: economics, environment, social sphere. The authors examine the aims and goals of this rating, the principles of its calculation, its projections and applications. The methodological basis of this work consists of general and specific science methods for studying the existing social and legal realities in the area of examination: analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, the formal and logical approach. Attention is drawn to examining the rating results by the main indicator groups, consistencies in results and explaining the reasons and the preconditions for indicator value arrangements. The authors also examine the rating results by city groups with various population levels, and the differences in Federal subject rating calculations. Along with that, the authors also offer new possibilities for practical applications of rating results.


index groups, steady development, Russian cities, Rating, Tripple Bottomline, economy, social sphere, environment, population

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