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International Law and International Organizations

Keshner M.V. UN economic sanctions: trends of the forms of their implementation

Abstract: The object of research in this article is the questions of essence and content of the forms of implementation of international economic sanctions issued by the UN Security Council based on Chapter VII of the UN Charter. The author conducts a detailed analysis of the international practice of the forms of implementation of international economic sanctions. A thorough examination is given to such aspects of research as a new form of implementation of economic sanctions that has emerged over the last two decades – “freezing of assets, or other financial products and economic resources”. Among the main conclusions are the positions on universal sphere of effect of economic sanctions imposed by the UN, and the limits of the subject area that are demarcated by the corresponding resolutions of the UN Security Council. The author substantiates the position on the trend in the choice of the forms of implementation of international economic sanctions in favor of the forms that carry a targeted an elective character.


UN Security Council, economic blockade, freezing of financial holdings, economic boycott, embargoes, forms implementation of sanctions, international economic sanctions, UN, UN Charter, modification of sanction regimes

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