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Philosophy and Culture
Litvintseva G.Yu. (2015). Deconstruction in Post-Modernistic Texts of Literature and Art. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 582–592.
Litvintseva G.Yu. Deconstruction in Post-Modernistic Texts of Literature and ArtAbstract: The present article is devoted to deconstruction as the leading category of post-modernism as well as the method of composing post-modernistic literary and art texts aimed at critisizing traditional analytical thinking, decentration of different kinds of centralisms, removal of binary oppositions and search for conceptual multiplicity. Moreover, the author of the article describes such features of post-modernistic texts as intertextuality, nonclassical interpretation of past traditions in the ironic, playful or parodical form. The author also tries to define the general and specific features of deconstruction in foreign and Russian literary and art texts. Based on the analysis of philosophical, cultural, literary and art researches, the author describes the features of deconstruction. The author has used the comparative method to analyze foreign and Russian post-modernistic texts of literature and art. The author concludes that while American and Western European post-modernists perform the deconstruction of the ideology of the consumer society, Russian post-modernists deconstruct the consumption of products of the Soviet ideology. Americans and Western European post-modernists use deconstruction in order to create a free player space, to make the most important issues of human existence to be the aim of the play, and to view traditions from the point of view of the democratic pluralism, while Russian post-modernists deconstuct such 'national metanarratives' as 'ideologism', 'totalitarianism', 'utopism' and 'literature-centrism'. These allow to understand our traditional 'eternal' issues using nontraditional means such as obscene words and shocking naturalistic and physiological descriptions. The author's conclusion that deconstruction acts as a mean of creating a new language capable of describing framentary, orderless, unstable and hyperreal post-modern world is crucial for understanding and adequate perception of post-modernistic texts. Keywords: decentration, intertextuality, multiple meaning, irony, parody, play, absurdity, metanarrative, hyperreality, simulacrum
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