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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Noss I.N. Twin Studies in Personal and Professional Diagnostics of Personnel

Abstract: The article draws the attention of psychologists and professiologists to the possibility of using the twin study method as a tool and model for confirming provisions of the concept of personal and professional specifications. It is assumed that the analysis of personal and behavioral characteristics of members of monozygotic twin pairs confirms the existence of a genetically stable personality structure corresponding to a particular system of professional conditions and requirements of professional activity. As an illustration the author presents the experimental results of the study of personal and behavioral characteristics of monozygotic parted and unparted twins. The author indicates methodological limitations in the dissemination of these findings and the need for comprehensive diagnostics of personnel through comparison, verification, and completion of the obtained experimental data and procedures. Based on the results of theoretical analysis and empirical tests, the author makes the conclusion about the presence of both natural and hereditary bases of professional orientation. The results of the study prove the author's concept of personal and professional specifications of personnel and the need for modeling it in order to improve the quality of psychological selection of the staff and supervision and assistance of employees at an organization. 


parted twins, dizygotic twin pair, monozygotic twin pair, personality predisposition, personal and professional specification, psychogenetic study, twin studies, unparted twins, twin environment, inside twin similarity

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