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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Nilogov A.S. (2015). I sleep Therefore I am. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 4, 373–382.
Nilogov A.S. I sleep Therefore I amAbstract: The research object of the present article is the problem of the ontological status of sleep and dreaming. The research subject is the dreaming experience from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology based on the example of several classes of anti-words. In his article Nilogov focuses on such aspects as the sleepwalking speech, word formation during sleep, hypnotic word creation, speech of the unconscious, sleep language, dream interpretation, authentic and inauthentic existence. Special attention is paid to the ontological status of language and antilanguage units that represent not only the speech intentions but also unconcious channels of information acquisition. In his research Nilogov has used the following research methods: problem method, analogy, hermeneutic, language analysis (word formation), antilanguage analysis (determination of classes of anti-words), synthesis and analysis. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the problem of the ontological status of human existence raised by Rene Descartes has gained new impetus. The author has offered the following comprehensive solution: he offers the argument 'I fantasize therefore I am not' that disproves the cogital philosophy and the argument 'I sleep therefore I am' that deepens the cartesian philosophy from the point of view of the antilanguage methodology. Keywords: interpretation of dreams, Descartes, ontological status, antilanguage, antiword, dream, unconscious, Beskova, Orwell, evil demon
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