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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Pishchik V.I., Zhukov N.V. Components of the Economic Mentality of the Student Youth in the Southern Region

Abstract: The research subject of the present article is the components of the economic mentality of the student youth in the southern region. The authors have applied the axiological approach to the study. Economic mentality is understood as a system that combines notions, meanings and values governed and implemented in the economic sphere of life. The periphery of the mentality presents the socio-psychological characteristics (attitudes, values, forms of discourse and other). Components of economic mentality include the meanings, values, particular economic behaviour (consumption, distribution, increment of resources). It is possible to identify the type of traditional mentality, innovation, transition and postinnovation that will set the trends of human economic behavior. The research methodology is based on classic explanations. The authors have also applied a set of diagnostic methods (measuring components of the economic mentality) and statistical processing of data (correlation and factor analysis) that allows you highlight certain factors affecting the research subject. The respondents have been divided into the two groups that differ in certain parameters (family income for instance) and allow to differentiate the results of the study. The main conclusions is the idea that measuring the indicators of the economic mentality allow to select certain types of economic behavior of respondents with different income. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the research involved students of the southern region and the results have been compared with the data of foreign researchers.


generation, students, economic behavior, economic mentality, axiological components, types of economic behavior, traditional/innovative, values, meanings, axiological approach

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