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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich P.S. One Language or Multilingualism?

Abstract: The research subjet is the psychological and cultural grounds for creation of a unified planetary language. Is there a need in a unified planetary language? In what way can it be created? What if it is better to listen to all 'voices' and languages of the modern world rather than to create a new esperanto or a language that would be more flexible and popular with masses? Who defines the status of a universal language? What plays the more important role in the process of creating such a language, theoretical findings of language experts or the political will of modern leaders? What will happen to the heritage of small ethnic groups and social communities on the periphery of the global process? What if the humankind loses cultural treasures when different cultural orientations will become one? As we see, this topic raises a lot of questions that need to be solved as soon as possible. In his research Gurevich has used the methods of psycholinguistics as well as findings of philosophy of culture and philosophy of language. He has also used the methods of comparative research. It is demonstrated that the fate of languages in the epoch of globalization brings out all kinds of philosophical, socio-cultural and linguistic isues. This topic is not only nettlesome but also very important in the conceptual meaning. The spiritual debates of civilizations oblidge humanities to state a whole number of problems as a result of globalization. In his article Gurevich also discusses what language could undertake the role of the universal language. He also discusses whether it would be useful to create a universal communication code. 


psychology, philosophy, language, culture, communication, interaction, globalization, symbol, Völkerpsychologie (psychology of peoples), information

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