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National Security

Denisenko V.A., Kupera A.V., Kataeva A.N. The efficiency of the state program of demographic development: regional aspect

Abstract: The subject of this article is the research on the effectiveness of the government measures on the birth rate in the Primorsky Krai. The active and dynamic demographic policy represents a necessity from the perspective of national security of the Russian Federation, which raises the question on the criteria of effectiveness of the government regulation of reproduction. The authors make an attempt to examine this issue on the example of Primorsky Krai: the work presents brief characteristics of the current state of the demographic processes of birth rate and death rate in the region, and provides a model of the government regulation of the birth rate. The authors conclude that the realization of the government program for increasing birth yielded "additional" births among the older women; at the same time, the indexes on the birth rate among the younger people reflects the lack of implementation of ideological and legal administrative measures of demographic policy.  


factors of birth rate decline, modeling, regression analysis, demographic program efficiency, state demographic policy, age-specific birth rate, Primorsky Krai, death rate, reproduction, depopulation

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