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National Security

Chernyshev A.I., Sviridov V.I. Special economic zones as an instrument of state regulation of economic security of the regions

Abstract: Special economic zones as an instrument of state regulation of economic security of the regionsThis article examines the issues of state regulation of the territories with a special regime of economic and entrepreneurial activities, as well as the key problems in functionality of the special economic zones in the Russian Federation. A special economic zone is a part of national territory that has additional autonomy in business decisions, and a special regime of managing economic activity for foreign and domestic enterprises. The specificity of these zones lies in the various advantages for its participants: tax and customs incentives; various forms of subsidies; simplification of administrative obstacles. The main conclusion of this research consists in the fact that despite the short period of the existence of special economic zones in Russia, a positive experience in this sphere of activity has already been acquired. Creation of such zones in the future should become one of the elements of economic security of the country, especially in the area of import substitution industrialization.


economic security, economy, production, innovation, technology, incentive, investment, country, import substitution, region

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