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Financial Law and Management


Abstract: The article reviews the currently existing approaches towards banking law. The author gives proof of the reasonability of demarcating between two spheres of public control in banking law –public banking law and private banking law. The subject analyzed in the article is social relations that have to do with public banking law. The author determines the subject of public banking law and the methods of legal regulations specific for public banking law. He also demarcates the sphere of social relations that are regulated by the norms of public banking law and determines the system of public banking law. The author uses the method of comparing laws, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, which allows him to come to the following conclusions: the specifics of banking activity, the role of credit institutions in modern economy and several peculiarities of their relations with creditors – first of all, with depositors – bring to life the necessity of considerable public interference in the activity of credit institutions. He also notes that public legal norms form the basis of up-to-date regulations of banking activities.


private banking law, legal regulation, banking, system of banking law, method, subject, public banking law, banking law, social relations, legal norms

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