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History magazine - researches

Soldatov M.S., Rumyantsev V.Yu., Golubinskiy A.A., Khitrov D.A. Sturgeon fish in European Russia at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries based on the evidence of the General Land Survey

Abstract: The article is a continuation of a series of works dedicated to the analysis of the wildlife information contained in the Economic notes to the General land-surveying of the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries. This contribution analyses the information on the presence of sturgeon fish in the rivers on the territories of European Russia. In recent years the history of fishery has been actively studied within the framework of environmental history, both in Russia and abroad. This article examines the given topic for the first time on the basis of the earliest mass source, which allows a systematic examination of the environment of the time, – the materials of the General Land Survey. The systematic processing of the information in the Economic notes covering the main territory of the country allowed the development of a sample containing data on 10 gubernias, 66 uezds, including more than 600 land plots and more than 400 large and small rivers. Mentions of the general sturgeon fish-family are studied, as well as of the citation of separate species (Russian sturgeon, Starry sturgeon, Huso, Sterlet, Bastard sturgeon). Additionally, the data on the natural habitat at the end of the 18th century is mapped and analysed in comparison to their modern habitat locations.


Russian sturgeon, Economic notes, history of fishing, General Land Survey, Sturgeon fish, environmental history, Starry sturgeon, Huso, Sterlet, Bastard sturgeon

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