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History magazine - researches

Mishina E.M. The resettlement policy of P. A. Stolypin to Western Siberia and its results (1906–1911): a comparative analysis of the data of two governorates

Abstract: The article reviews the dynamics of the resettlement movement on the territories of the Tobolsk and Tomsk governorates in 1906–1911. It presents a comparative analysis of two Siberian lands and examines the influence of external factors on the nature of the resettlement. The historiographical study sheds light on the various points of view regarding the nature of the resettlement policy, however the widely-accepted conclusion holds that the resettlement of peasants from European Russia to Siberia made for a significant rise in the economy of the given region, which was reflected in the flourishing of grain, mill productions, butter industry, and also in the development of stock-breeding. The source study allowed the detection of the main laws and decrees that accompanied the resettlement policy. On the basis of the resettlement dynamics to the Tomsk and Tobolsk governorates, the author comes to the conclusion that owing to its geographic location and environmental particularities the Tomsk governorate was more densely populated. There also existed true resettlement in comparison to the Tobolsk territories, where there is resettlement information that does not correspond to reality. In the course of the analysed period, there was an outflow of settlers from the Tobolsk governorate to the Tomsk one, especially to the lands of the Altai mountain region. Nevertheless, there were a high percentage of those returning to their homeland, since migrants did not have enough material sources for the establishment of households in new places. However, despite certain problems implementing the resettlement legislation, based on the quantity of settled migrants and the data on the economic development of the region, the resettlement policy to the regions of Western Siberia in 1906–1911 can be considered as a successfully achieved part of the agrarian reforms.


dynamics, legislation, Altai region Cabinet, Tobolsk governorate, Tomsk governorate, Siberia, P. A. Stolypin, resettlement, comparative analysis, Siberian economic development

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