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Pedagogy and education

Gatiatullina E.R. «The Doctor of Captivating Sciences», or About Perelman’s Books in Terms of Modern Education Issues

Abstract: One of «eternal» problems of secondary and higher school is raising the level of students’ learning interest and consequently their motivation. What seems interesting and useful to them is remembered many times better than boring and dull things. How can learning material be made clear, useful and interesting? This is not such an easy question as it may look at first sight. Basing on wide pedagogical empiric data and analysis of different materials and texts, the author shows that how students and their teacher perceive the same material are two different worlds. Their meeting is the peak of teacher’s mastery. The article introduces readers to one of outstanding examples of such mastery – Y.I. Perelman’s works, who was famous for popularizing science, for being a talented teacher and an outstanding master of word. It may be useful for teachers as methodological instructions, didactic training or specific master-class. It may help students to improve their erudition and get to know a rare and wonderful genre of captivating science.


learning material, learning interest, motivation, popularization, captivating science, textbooks, education process, scholasticism, anti-scholasticism, educational innovation

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