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Administrative and municipal law

Savos'kin A.V. Types and peculiarities of citizens' appeals depending on the subject of will

Abstract: The article analyzes the classification of citizens' appeals depending on the subject of will. The author considers the traditional individual and collective citizens' appeals, and the "new" organisations' appeals legalized by the amendments to the Federal Law "On the procedure of consideration of citizens' appeals" in 2013. The author studies the positive experience of collective appeals regulation on the local level, and the problem of explanation of the two-part construction used by the federal legislator: "citizens' associations including legal entities". The study is based on the general scientific dialectical method. The author uses the special methods: the historical method, the system-structural method, the formal-logical method, the logical and the comparative-legal method. Depending on the subject of will, Russian legislation allows separation of the following types of appeals: individual citizens' appeals, collective citizens' appeals, organisations' appeals. Normative definitions of these types are absent. Legal regulation of submission and consideration of these appeals should be declared insufficient. The analysis of the "new" type of appeals - organisations' appeals - established the absence of special submission requirements. The article provides the amendments to the article 4 of the Federal Law "On the procedure of consideration of citizens' appeals", which contain the normative definitions of appeals depending on the subject of will, and other suggestions aimed at the enhancement of legal regulation and practice of consideration of non-individual appeals. 


appeal, right to appeal, applicant, individual appeal, collective appeal, legislation in the sphere of appeals

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