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Administrative and municipal law

Bocharova N.N. Legal status of district departments of federal executive authorities

Abstract: The article considers the problems of functioning of executive authorities structure of the Russian Federation. The author defines a separate level of authority in modern Russia - a district one. The author studies the work of particular federal executive authorities (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Tax Service and others) in order to study the dynamics of legal status of district departments of these authorities. The author makes an attempt to analyze their principles of organization. The author adduces the opinion about the decentralization and deconcentration of federal executive authorities under the influence of federal districts. The author concludes about the absence of unification in the process of the territorial bodies establishing on the level of regions and federal districts. The general theoretical and the special methods of cognition are used: analysis, synthesis, the logical method, dialectics, the method of comparative jurisprudence and expert assessments. The conclusions and generalizations are made. This topic has been urgent since 2000 - since the creation of federal districts. But after 14 years and in the result of administrative reform, the unification of legal status of territorial departments of federal executive authorities hasn't increased, and this problem complicates the state machinery functioning. The conclusions contain the assessment of the status of district departments of federal executive authorities and some suggestions for optimization their functioning optimization. 


territorial bodies, district departments, federal districts, regions of the Russian Federation, federal authorities, executive authority, deconcentration, decentralization, plenipotentiary, local government

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