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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Khokhlova N.I., Soltys T.V. Intellectual and Personality Characteristics of High School Graduates Applying for Medical Specialty

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of personality and intellectual characteristics of enrollees seeking medical specialty in 2014. The authors of the article provide the general description of students and identify the components of intellectual and personal development requiring special attention in accordance with the professional career choice. The authors also indicate possible difficulties that may be faced by the students during the process of education and prospects for overcoming these difficulties within the framework of the educational activity. Thus, the research subject is the diagnostic results and answers of the students to the questions presented in the 'Professional Orientation' test. It is proved that modern students have: a high potential in research activities; focus on analytical, technical work rather than on interaction with people; tendency towards conformity and risk minimization in their activity. Therefore, the orientation of the teaching staff at developing one's personal position is important for future doctors and personal growth in general. 


analysis of variance, professional career choice, factor analysis, personal development, intellectual development, medical specialty, diagnostics, enrollee, student, applicant, career-oriented techniques, statistics

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