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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rybakova N.A. Developing of Emotional Intelligence by Means of Music

Abstract: The article reveals the essence of the method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense) from the perspective of its application to improve emotional intelligence through intensive developing of empathy. Effect of the method is justified by ideas of psychology, music psychology and pedagogy of art. Particular attention is paid to the nature of this method, the characteristics of specific methods and techniques tested by the author in private practice, working with adults: creating of artistic and visual, literary and plastic interpretation of the image. The main conclusions of the research are the following:- The most important quality of a person who has developed emotional intelligence is the ability for empathy, which allows him to build effective interaction with other people;- Perception of music with the use of appropriate techniques can improve emotional intelligence of a person of any age through the development of the capacity for empathy;- Method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music can bring more effective into the process of development of empathy in the process of music perception. The novelty of the research lies in the substantiation and development of the effective for developing emotional intelligence method of creating emotional and associative interpretations of music (in the broad sense), allocation and description of three groups of methods (in the narrow sense): fine art, literature and plastic interpretations. The author’s special contribution to the study theme is in the author's attempt to summarize the experience of psychology, music studies and music pedagogy, supplement it with the author's ideas and the results of the author's  work on the developing of empathy and emotional intelligence of adults who do not have any education in music. 


emotions, emotional intelligence, empath, effective interaction, development, music, perception, method, association, dialogue

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