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Philosophy and Culture

Martynova E.S. Genesis of Surrealism: Theory and Practice

Abstract: The art of the 20th century remarkably differs from the art life of the previous centuries. In her article Martynova discusses the most significant cultural phenomena that created the image of the century. Undoubtedly, surrealism was the prevailing genre in art in the first half of the 20th century. Firstly, despite its radical nature, surrealism has an extremely rich genealogy. Secondly, surrealists managed to develop a clear art concept. Thirdly, philosophy of post-modernism, the main movement of the second half of the 20th century, was based on the ideology of surrealism.  In her article Martynova has made an attempt to analyze the main art movements of the early 20th century from the point of view of their influence on the development of surrealism. The article is devoted to the genesis of surrealism and provides a detailed description of this cultural phenomenon. There are parts of the article devoted to aesthetics of surrealism, literary and philosophical grounds of surrealism and there is also the part of the article that describes the particular influence of previous art concepts on the development of surrealism. Even though surrealism was a quite original art movement, methodology of surrealism reflected the new interpretation of previous art concepts and therefore was based on findings of these art concepts.  Moreover, surrealist theoretical opinions were based on rather incompatible literary and philosophical sources which created versatility and paradoxes of surrealism. 


surrealism, symbolism, constructivism, futurism, expressionism, dadaism, aesthetics, phenomenology, existentialism, psychoanalysis

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