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Philosophy and Culture
Svyatokhina G.B. (2015). Living Ethics on Spirituality and its Evolutionary Significance . Philosophy and Culture, 2, 191–200.
Svyatokhina G.B. Living Ethics on Spirituality and its Evolutionary SignificanceAbstract: The research subject of this article is an outlook on the problem of spirituality in the context of holistic approach of the Teaching of Living Ethics. The modern society in its theoretical understanding the world and man follows the new European tradition of abstract thinking. This circumstance is seen as the cause of inaccuracy emerging in the process of thinking and, alongside with it, problems and crises in the life of society. Besides that, due to its specificity, abstract thinking doesn’t allow to create a wholesome system of understanding the world in which the phenomenon of spirituality would be realized in all its practical significance for life.The philosophical tradition of holistic approach offers a chance to solve the above mentioned problems. Its perfect embodiment is the Teaching of Living Ethics – the philosophy of cosmic thinking.The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that, viewed in this context, the holistic approach which is based on the ideological principle of Three-Hypostasis Essence of the Absolute creates a base for an integral synthetic perception of the world and man in it and lays the foundations of universal research methodology of synthesis. This approach allows us to get an answer to the question about the sense and significance of spirituality in man’s life and in its cosmic evolution, contributes to ethical, aesthetical and spiritual improvement of man and society. Keywords: cosmic thinking, a holistic approach, synthesis, Three-Hypostasis Essence of the Absolute, Living Ethics, Eternity, Infinity, spirituality, Spiral Movement, Cosmic Magnet
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