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Administrative and municipal law

Bakhtina M.S. Peculiarities of municipal legal acts anti-corruption expertize

Abstract: The aticle is devoted to the problem of definition of typical features of anti-corruption ezpertize by municipal bodies. The study considers the specificity of liability for curruption of particular types of municipal legal acts. The author pays attention to the most frequent factors encouraging corruption in these legal acts, reveals regularities, typical faults and shortcomings of legal acts and their projects anti-corruption expertize in municipalities according to the data of the research. The results of the research give the opportunity to formulate the suggestions about anti-corruption expertize improvement. The author uses the method of contextual analysis of legal acts and the practices of their application (returns, judicial practice, documents circulation). The analysis of regional legislation, judicial practice, returns of state authorities demonstrates the absence of systematism in subjects' actions. The bodies organize different events aimed at the decrease of corruption risks, but they are of fragmentary character. Thus the author makes a suggestion for the bodies, executing anti-corruption expertize, to systematize anti-corruption activities, to adjust their cooperation. The article can be of interest to scientific researchers, lecturers, students and postgraduates of juridical universities, and for the developers of legal acts. 


anti-corruption expertise, municipal legal act, liability for corruption, charters of municipalities, normative legal acts, minicipal body, local administration, representative body, factor encouraging corruption, expertise

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